Booking Information

If you placed a booking using our website between the 4th and 5th of September, please call us on 01425 274333 to confirm your reservation. Our booking system is now back online. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Same Day Bookings

For same day bookings, please call us rather than using our booking form to book a table. As we are a small team, we're unable to respond and view emails as they arrive. Please make sure your booking/visit is confirmed before coming to the Bistro.

Time Limits

  • Tables of 2, up to 4, are limited to 1 hour 50 minutes maximum.
  • Tables of 5, up to 8 are limited to 2 hours 20 minutes maximum to allow us to prepare for our next sitting.

Lunch service begins at 12:00 and finishes at 13:30. Please do not book outside of these times or your booking will be cancelled.

Opening Times

Days Lunch Serving Times Evening Serving Times
Monday Closed Closed
Tuesday Closed Closed
Wednesday 12:00 — 13:30 18:00 — 20:30
Thursday 12:00 — 13:30 18:00 — 20:30
Friday 12:00 — 13:30 18:00 — 20:30
Saturday 12:00 — 13:30 18:00 — 20:30
Sunday 12:00 — 15:00 Closed